Acts of Kindness

Helmut Haubeil is a businessman and Pastor. After successfully working as the General Manager of a shipping company he answered God’s call at the age of 37 and became a Church Pastor for 16 years. He then managed the Adventist Retirement Community in Bad Aibling, near Munich, Germany and since his retirement leads the Bad Aibling Church’s Global Mission Group (‘Förderkreis Mission’). He oversees several projects – locally and internationally, including church-planting through pioneers in Central Asia, India and Germany, editing and publishing a mission magazine (‘Missionsbrief’), and spreading revival literature. He does not regard himself as the author of the book “Steps to Personal Revival“, but rather a tool in God’s hands. By clicking on the Development tab of www.steps-to-personalrevival.info, you can clearly see these fascinating experiences.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
Encouragement Experience has shown that the study of these precious truths is particularly blessed, when, following the personal study a daily common devotion is performed in twos. There is double blessing for couples! (With others maybe telephone, Skype) Also a daily or weekly time for conversation and prayer in a group is very stimulating.
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